Echigo-Tsumari T-shirt special feature


For inquiry

The sun is shining and the feeling of summer is in the air. It is time to start wearing lighter clothes. This time, we would like to introduce T-shirts with motifs of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale artworks. Each T-shirt will become the star of your coordinated outfit. Why not choose one for your T-shirt collection this summer? Available at Echigo-Tsumari Online Shop and MonET Museum Shop.

*Sizes are for both men and women.

Design T-shirts with artwork motifs

The motif was inspired by the works of Esther Stocker at the Matsudai “NOHBUTAI” Field Museum, Matsudai Castle, and the works of Nawa Kohei , 目 [mé], and Leandro Erlich at the Museum on Echigo-Tsumari, MonET.

Esther Stocker, “Perspectives of Longing”  T-shirt
(Size: S, M, L, XL / Price: ¥4,500  including tax / Color: black)

Nawa Kohei, “Force”  T-shirt
(Size: S, M, L, XL / Price: ¥4,500  including tax / Color: black)

目 [mé], “movements”  T-shirt
(Size: S, M, L, XL / Price: ¥4,000  including tax / Color: white)

Leandro Erlich, “Palimpsest: pond of sky”  T-shirt
(Size: S, M, L, XL / Price: ¥4,500  including tax / Color: white, black)

Agriculture x Women's soccer "FC Echigo-Tsumari" uniform

Finally, the home matches of the Hokushinetsu Women’s Soccer League will start in June. Let’s put on our uniforms and cheer for everyone as one!

FC Echigo-Tsumari uniform (Designed by Sato Taku)
(Size: S, M, L, O)

Hachi & Seizo Tajima Museum of Picture Book Art T-shirt

Another baby goat was born this year at Goat Shizuka!  Please come and see her wearing a T-shirt.

baby goat T-shirt
(Sizes: 120, 140, 160, S, M, L, XL / Price: ¥3,000 including tax)
Wolf T-shirts
(Sizes: S, M, L, XL / Price: ¥3,000 including tax)

For inquiry

Echigo Tsumari Art Field Information Center
Address Museum on Echigo-Tsumari, MonET 6-1, 71-2, Honcho, Tokamachi-city, Niigata Prefecture, 948-0003
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