W&W workshop by Wu Jian’an and David Wang


China House was opened in a renovated space of an abandoned house in 2016 and has been a place for artists and people engaging in art and community building to stay and create artworks since then. Wu Jian’an has been selected for ETAT2018 to create artwork. Drawings and calligraphy filled the entire wall in an open void space holding collections of handwriting by participants in workshops held in Japan and China. The artist makes a new artwork by compiling over a hundred of these works. A new story begins here when all these different contributions are gathered and spread over in the house.

【About W & W Workshop】
Performers: Wu Jian’an and David Wang
Price: Free (separate admission to the China House is required)
Maximum capacity: (Children age under 12 must be accompanied by one adult).
About the workshop: After the lecture by Wu, each of the participants will choose favourite colour and draw in one brush. Wu will then dance to each of the brush drawing.


Date and time Thursday, August 2 2018
10:30 - 11:30

D344 “500 Brush strokes”
(China House, 4320-1 Murono, Tokamachi-city, Niigata)

Admission Free (Admission to China House is required separately)

Maximum capacity: 15-20 (Children age under 12 must be accompanied by one adult).

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