In the Echigo-Tsumari region, each village holds a koshogatsu event during the Chinese New Year (around January 15). A tower made of straw is burned to predict the year’s rice crop.
Put on your “kanjiki,” a snow walking folk tool, and head out to the Field Museum, which is closed to the snow. Enjoy a different view of Matsudai Castle from spring to fall.
A snow amusement park will appear where visitors can experience snow tubing and banana boats on a natural incline, and hand-pushed sleds for the little ones. When you get tired, you can make coffee by a bonfire, roast rice cakes on a seven-wheeled stove, or enjoy other activities on the snow.
Date: 2/22 (Sat)-3/9 (Sun) Saturdays, Sundays and holidays only
Time: 10:00-16:00
Date and time |
1/25(Sat)-3/9(Sun), 2025 Closed on Tue & Wed Excluding national holidays |
Venue |
Around Matsudai NOHBUTAI(3743-1, Matsudai, Tokamachi-city, Niigata, Japan) |
Admission | Art Field “Echigo-Tsumari Winter 2025” or the exhibition ticket: ¥1,000 for adults, ¥500 for Children under 12years old |