Matsudai History Museum

Facility Info and Map

The two-story building built at the end of Edo era is supported by 10m Daikoku Bashira (main column) and irori (fireplace), zashiki, tea room and guest rooms remain as they were. Information on the national treasure, Matsuo Shrine, footage of terraced rice fields, and distinctive tools for snow country are on display. In addition, the museum houses approximately 2,000 pieces of folk artifacts donated by local residents, allowing visitors to experience the good old history and culture of Matsudai in a relaxing space.

Facility Info and Map

Open hours 10:00-17:00 (Last entry:16:30)

*Closed on Tue & Wed (if Tue and Wed are consecutive holidays, the next business day is closed)
*Opening hours may be shortened during the winter season.
Tel 025-597-2138
Admission Adult JPY 300, Children age under 15 JPY100
Address 3718 Matsudai, Tokamachi-city, Niigata
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