ETAT activities taking place throughout the year are made possible by supports and co-operations by various people. We always welcome supports from companies,organisations and individuals.

For corporations

There are various ways to support ETAT. A supporter’s logo will be added to the designated web page.

Donation / Sponsorship
We look for companies to become ETAT sponsors who support on-going activities. Donations are tax-exempt.
Artwork sponsor
We invite sponsors who help maintain existing artworks, production of new artworks in abandoned houses or outdoor landscape in cooperation with local people and artists.
Bulk-purchase of ETAT Passport
Supporting ETAT through bulk purchase of passport
Corporate owner of Matsudai Tanada Bank
Becoming a corporate owner of Matsudai Tanada Bank

Donation / Sponsorship

公益財団法人 福武財団
APO 台湾文化センター 自治総合センター

DENSAN Co., Ltd. KOMATSUYA Co., Ltd.  Misato Co., Ltd. Matsunoi Sake Brewery Co. 株式会社羽生田 Murayama Construction Co. JAPAN POST HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. 株式会社吉楽土建 Asuka-corporation Co., Ltd タレントスクエア株式会社 株式会社レックス 株式会社ナカノアイシステム十日町営業所 Misaden Co., Ltd. 株式会社滝沢印刷


To everyone who supported Echigo-Tsumari by a hometown tax donation program.

Online shop

Products sold on-line include local specialty of Echigo-Tsumari region re-designed with creators, ETAT original goods, and local delicacies such as rice and sake. Registration with Matsudai Tanada Bank owner and purchase of ETAT passport are also available.

Stay In Touch

Stay connected with the ETAT official social media to receive the latest news and event information, and the many seasonal faces of Echigo-Tsumari as well as new issue of the ETAT official media, “Art from the Land”.