We are pleased to announce that the catalogue of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2018 has been published at last. The 250-page catalogue covers all the artworks presented during the ETAT2018 and include the 20-year history of the festival as well as contributing essays by people from diverse backgrounds who have engaged with the festival.
It also introduces voices of locals who have supported the festival since 2000 as well as kohebi members from abroad. It looks back on 20-years of its footstep while talks about challenges and expectations for years to come. The highlight of the catalogue would be a report on “Hojoki Shiki in 2018” by Hiroshi Hara, one of the major projects of ETAT2018.
The cover photo of the catalogue is “Tunnel of Light” by Ma Yansong / MAD Architects – a renovation of Kiyotsukyo Tunnel which was presented during ETAT2018 and has become one of the most popular artworks amongst visitors even throughout the year.
Address | Museum on Echigo-Tsumari, MonET 6-1, 71-2, Honcho, Tokamachi-city, Niigata Prefecture, 948-0003 |
info@tsumari-artfield.com |