Invisible Grove


Information and Map

About the artwork

“I magnify the microscopic images of fungi and plants and creates objects by cutting out paper. The images of something at a microscopic scale are overlaid with things at the macro level such as forests and the universe. Some of the paper objects hung by synthetic fiber threads slowly rotate horizontally following the movement in the air. They look different depending on the angles you see them and they float like 3-D objects even though they are flat. “2-D and 3D”, “Light and Shadow”, and “micro and macro”, all of these represent something that seems to be opposite but their boundaries are ambiguous.” (The artist’s comment)

Information and Map

Artwork no. M073
Production year 2022
Opening hours 10:00~17:00 (~16:00 on Oct and Nov)
Area Tsunan
Village Owarino
Venue Bosh555, Shimofunato-cho, Tsunan-cho, Naka-uonuma-gun, Niigata, Japan
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