Sculptor, Director of Sandwich Inc (established in 2009). and Professor at Kyoto University of the Arts. Born in 1975 and based in Kyoto. NAWA focused on the “surface skin” of sculptures as an interface connecting to senses and presented the work created under the core concept of cell (biological cell and particle) called “PixCell” in 2002 which symbolised the information age. In response to the theme of relations between life and space as well as sensibility and technology, Nawa created a work which let a bubble itself grew into a gigantic volume called “Foam” based upon flexible interpretation of the definition of sculpture which eventually created opportunities to viewers to gain perceived experience as if the physical characteristics of materials open up for them. Nawa has been working on architectural projects in recent years including an art pavilion “The Kohtei pavilion”. Nawa has also been presenting “Vessel”, a piece of performing art created in collaboration with Damian Jalet, a Belgian choreographer and dancer since 2015. Nawa presented a sculptural work “Throne” in the Louvre Pyramid at Louvre Museum, Paris in 2018.